Awards / All England, All Scotland, All Wales and All Ireland / Award rules
Award rules
All England
To get this Plaque you need to work and confirm all 48 counties of England any time any mode. To get e-award you need to work and confirm 40 counties of England any time any mode.
All Scotland
To get this Plaque you need to work and confirm all 32 Council areas of Scotland any time any mode. To get e-award you need to work and confirm 25 Council areas of Scotland any time any mode.
All Wales
To get this Plaque you need to work and confirm all 22 subdivisions of Wales any time any mode. To get e-award you need to work and confirm 15 subdivisions of Wales any time any mode.
All Ireland
To get this Plaque you need to work and confirm all 32 counties of Ireland and Northern Ireland any time any mode. To get e-award you need to work and confirm 25 counties of Ireland and Northern Ireland any time any mode.
Please send applications and any questions to Charles Wilmott M0OXO.