Log in or sign up with the WWPass key

Open the WWPass Key app on your smartphone
Install WWPass Key app before you can log in to HAMLOG

Sign in with the QR code below
To sign in you need only your smartphone with the free WWPass Key app

I don't have WWPass Key App

Click to know how to get started with WWPASS

Why WWPass?

Your personal information, including your log data, should be protected. Usernames and passwords, even when combined with a "second factor" like text codes or one-time passwords, are not truly secure. To ensure the integrity of QSO data, some organizations use Private Key Infrastructure (PKI) methods, such as certificates and digital signing of logs. However, WWPass offers a more convenient and even more secure way to protect your log data.

What is WWPass?

WWPass is an innovative authentication method that doesn't require usernames or passwords. It keeps user data highly secure and prevents phishing and credential sharing. You can learn more about WWPass technology at https://wwpass.com