National award RAEM
National awards from Russia / RAEM / Rules
List of issued awards
Examples of awards
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General terms and сonditions
The RAEM diploma was established in 1972 in memory of the outstanding shortwave, famous polar explorer and radio operator, the first chairman of the USSR Radio Sports Federation, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Hero of the Soviet Union Ernst Teodorovich Krenkel (December 24, 1903 - December 9, 1971).
QSO on any HF band, starting from December 10, 1971, CW only, are eligible for award.
QSOs made by the owner of the radio station with all previously issued permanent callsigns are counted if the QSOs were made from the territory of their own country.
The diploma is issued only in paper form. To obtain a diploma, you need to get 68 points, according to the years of Ernst Krenkel's life.
Points are awarded as follows:
- QSO with the callsign RAEM (during international RAEM contest on the last weekend of December) - 15 points.
- QSO with drifting stations and expeditions to the Russian polar islands - 10 points.
- QSO with the Russian polar (above the Arctic Circle) stations, including Antarctica - 5 points.
- QSO special stations dedicated to E. Krenkel (R*110RAEM in 2013, R115RAEM in 2018, R*AEM in 2003) - 1 point.
Repeats are allowed on different bands.
Under the same conditions, you can get a RAEM plaque. To obtain a plaque, you need to get 100 points.
Also, SWLs can get a diploma and a plaque. Points are awarded for 2-way SWL according to the terms of the diploma.