Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hamlog?

Hamlog is an online cloud platform designed for active amateur radio operators. It supports various on-the-air activities for clubs, associations, and national amateur radio organizations, enabling them to create award programs and distribute awards to deserving participants. Hamlog also features a built-in real-time logger, allowing operators to log QSOs as they happen. It supports multiple callsigns, locations, and multi-station activities. Hamlog enables users to connect transceivers and other ham radio devices directly to the browser, making online logging easy from virtually anywhere.

What is WWPass?

WWPass is an innovative authentication method that doesn't require usernames or passwords. It keeps user data highly secure and prevents phishing and credential sharing. You can learn more about WWPass technology at

How to get started with WWPASS

Why Hamlog uses WWPass?

Your personal information, including your log data, should be protected. Usernames and passwords, even when combined with a "second factor" like text codes or one-time passwords, are not truly secure. To ensure the integrity of QSO data, organizations like ARRL use Private Key Infrastructure (PKI) methods, such as certificates and digital signing of logs. However, WWPass offers a more convenient and even more secure way to protect your log data.

I don’t want to use WWPass. Can I still use Hamlog?

Without being authenticated, you can view all data associated with your call sign that has been obtained from public sources, such as published contest logs. You can also receive awards that don't require two-way confirmations. Additionally, you can see all activities, browse available awards, and check others' results. However, you won't be able to upload your own private logs, use the cloud logger, or receive awards that require two-way confirmations.

How much does it cost to use Hamlog?

Currently, using Hamlog, including premium features available only to registered users, is free. WWPass is also free to use. In the future, we may introduce additional features that may require paid subscriptions, but we will strive to keep the costs for amateur radio operators as low as possible.

How does Hamlog earn money?

We rely on advertising revenues and gladly accept donations from individual and corporate sponsors. We also plan to introduce some revenue-generating services in the future.


In accordance with US Executive Order 14065 of February 21, 2022, and related directives, United States Persons are prohibited from providing any goods, services, or technology to the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) or Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) regions of Ukraine.

Given that Russian officials have started issuing licenses to amateur radio stations reportedly operating from these territories, and that contacts with these territories are becoming eligible for certain awards issued by the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia, such as Victory (Pobeda), Russia, and R-150-C, will discontinue support for these awards effective May 1, 2024.