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Fifth Ocean club
112th Anniversary of the First Flight to Greece
5 years participation of Greek section in the international 5th Ocean Club
Malaria Control Flight
Serbian sky heroes 1999
Nickolaos Koufoudakhs
52 years of Olympic Airways
Prva zena pilot u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji i Srbiji - Danica Tomic
4 years of Greek section in the international 5th Ocean Club
Serbian sky heroes 1999
Civil Aviation Day
68 years of Supermarine Spitfire MJ755
Guarding the sky
130 years of Michael Gurevich
Day of Long-Range Aviation
105 years of Yuri Garnaev
International day of the civil aviation
Hellenic Air Force (Greece)
Army Aviation
Air traffic controllers
Start of the Space Era
In memory of fallen aviators
He wrote "helicopter"
Mikoyan's 95th birthday
Air Fleet of Russia
Air forces
Soaring under the dome
Sea stars
Attention! Kamozin In the Sky!
Main Space Harbor
44th Anniversary of Heroic Pilot Joseph Migadis
Step to the eternity
The first Serbian pilot – Mihailo Petrovich
Above the cap of the World
Flight Bogatyrs
Immortal Aviation Regiment
60 years of Domodedovo airport
30 years of Fifth ocean club
Fighter aviation
Serbian sky heroes
The navigator knows the route
Flight of the Seagull
Day of polar aviation
Victory in the air is forged on the ground!
Air jetty
In memory of Oskanov S. S.
80 years of air defense aviation
Father of Russian Aviation
Father of Cosmonautics
110th anniversary of the first flight over Greece
The last flight - Komarov A. S.
Fighter pilot Sergei Litavrin
Long-Range Aviation Day
International Civil Aviation Day
Serbian Military Aviation Day
The last flight - Sokolov I. N.
The last flight - Peshkov O. A.
Army Aviation Day
Air traffic controllers
Space era
Day of Remembrance of the Fallen Aviators
In memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot A. S. Kirillov
The sky is our home
Russian Air Fleet Day
Day of VDV
Soaring under the dome
MAKS 2021
Sea stars
Soaring in the clouds
80th anniversary of the feat of Nikolai Gastello
90 years of military transport aviation
Alexey Maresiev 105 years
Suvorovites of the Great Patriotic War
Immortal Aviation Regiment - 76
Last flight - Fedotov, Zaytcev
The path to the stars
Russian knights - 30 years
Father of the Soviet "hawks"
Serbian Sky Heroes 1999
105th anniversary of fighter aviation
105th anniversary of the Navigation Service of the Russian Air Force
80th anniversary of the establishment of the FRI M. M. Gromov
Conquerors of the polar latitudes
Civil Aviation Day
The father of transport aviation
Fighters take off!
Long-Range Aviation Day
International Civil Aviation Day
1st Air Chief Marshal
Army Aviation
Henrih Novozhilov
I see, I hear, I manage
70 Years of the Hellenic Air Force History Museum